The cure for offence
Why do people get offended? Most often, the root is pride—our pride gets hurt. So, how do we overcome pride? By embracing humility. But […]
Why do people get offended? Most often, the root is pride—our pride gets hurt. So, how do we overcome pride? By embracing humility. But […]
It’s something we often notice in the world—people who do terrible things seem to have all the success, wealth, and comfort. As the psalmist […]
Jesus had an incredible way of painting a picture with words. One of the most vivid but scathing was when he called the Pharisees […]
“Whatever you do, DON’T read this before operating.” It would be crazy to have this in an instruction manual. But it wouldn’t matter as […]
“Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him.” (Proverbs 26:12). […]
Can you place these words into the correct order – destruction, honour, humility, pride? Knowing the correct order will change your life. We have […]
The Book of Job is one of my favourite books in the Bible. The narrative description of the depth of God’s knowledge, the intricacy […]
Is your life filled with God’s abundance? When God brought Israel into the promised land, he gave them a land with streams; a land […]
Our dogs love going for walks. But, it’s not the exercise that excites them but the sniffing. It’s their ultimate entertainment – the dog […]
Today, more people are atheists, choosing to believe in mankind’s solutions than in God and His promises. I often wonder whether they really know […]