Daily Bread
Daily messages of encouragement and instruction from God’s Word
Complete Trust
Abraham was 100 years old when he had his first child with Sarah. What a gift. However, when God asked Abraham to offer Issac...
Surprised by Hope
After reading “Man’s Search for Meaning” by Victor Frankl, which details his horrific experience in the Nazi concentration camps, I was left in awe [&hel...
Slaves in freedom
The book of Nehemiah tells the story of the return of the Jewish people to their land to rebuild Jerusalem after being in captivity...
The missing sock
If there is one thing that is really frustrating it’s the small, innocent-looking, seemingly helpless single sock. I’m sure you know the feeling. When [&h...
The secret to long life
Millions of dollars can be made from the answer to this question – What is the secret to a long and prosperous life? Endless...
Today belief in God in many Western countries which were built on Christian values and principles has dropped to as low as 18%. People...
Living Healthy
I bet no one will disagree when I say that the more you exercise and the less junk food you eat, the healthier your...