The unwritten space
There is nothing more amazing than seeing someone totally transform for good. Sometimes, we see the process, but other times, the process is unseen. […]
There is nothing more amazing than seeing someone totally transform for good. Sometimes, we see the process, but other times, the process is unseen. […]
Is your life filled with God’s abundance? When God brought Israel into the promised land, he gave them a land with streams; a land […]
“Wow”, we gush, looking in awe as the tap turns and water comes out. “That’s awesome”. For most of us, this would hardly be […]
Thank You. Two words we all love to hear, yet how often do we say it? Gratitude is not only one of the most […]
“Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” How often have we repeated these words when singing or reciting the Lord’s […]
Streaks are a blessing and a curse; it seems most apps now have them. Every day you open the app and perform a required […]