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Is your life feeling barren? Maybe you have lost your job or a loved one. Perhaps you have experienced a broken relationship, or your...
How’s this for a poem that captures the sad state of so many people’s lives – “You have planted much, but harvested little. You [&hel...
The empty dam
Nearby where we live is a small dam that we sometimes run past. While the water level fluctuates with the season and rains, this...
Noisy call
“Hello! What? Sorry, I can’t hear anything you are saying,” I shout as I try and block my ear and press the cell phone [&hel...
Favourite smell
What is your favourite smell? The smell of baked bread? The aroma of food cooking on a barbecue? The smell of a wood fire...
Waiting for the wedding
Exciting! An invitation to attend a wedding of a close friend. An opportunity to enjoy this ultimate celebration of love. With everyone seated and...
Hearing God’s promises
Recently I was listening to the book of Isaiah as an audiobook. I was struck by how many beautiful promises and words of encouragement...
Unchanging fashion
Chatting to a friend’s daughter, she declared, “I wouldn’t be seen dead in skinny jeans! I’ve thrown them out. The trend is wide-leg or [&helli...
Resurrection day
The sun appears. Light spills over the hill washing the darkness from the valley. The new morning air wafting above the grass like a...
Friday is past. Sunday is coming, Saturday is between. The King of life crucified. Silence. Waiting. Jesus asleep in the tomb, his disciples afraid...
The grave key
The music begins causing a hush to fall on the waiting audience. They rise as he walks ahead, carrying the mace on his shoulder...
Painting the house
We walk past an old house that has been painted and the garden cleaned. It looks amazing. However, on going inside, we discover a...