It’s not fair
“Grandpa,” the boy murmured, watching a man slide into a sleek, expensive car while they rattled along in their old one. “It’s not fair.” […]
“Grandpa,” the boy murmured, watching a man slide into a sleek, expensive car while they rattled along in their old one. “It’s not fair.” […]
“How great is our God.” Psalm 8:3-4 beautifully reflects on His majesty: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon […]
Any relationship is special, whether between a husband and wife, parent and child, or two friends. These bonds connect us to others. Well, what […]
Citizens of a country are issued an identity document. Without this document, you could not travel, get a driver’s license, vote, or even get […]
If you’ve ever played darts and then stopped playing for a while, you’ll know how hard it is to get back to how good […]
“My heart has heard you say, “Come and talk with me.” And my heart responds, “Lord, I am coming” (Psalm 27:8). What beautiful words […]
We recently celebrated Father’s Day and were reminded about fathers’ vital role in our lives. Loving us, guiding our paths and helping shape our […]
The creation story in Genesis is all about the power of the spoken word. Over and over again, we read, “And God said, let […]
We had traveled to a distant part of our country to visit the famed Kruger National Park. As I got out the car someone […]
“Number 47 to counter 3”. “Please give me your ID number.” We live in a world where we have become numbers. In a world […]