Daily Bread
Daily messages of encouragement and instruction from God’s Word
Social media content creators will tell you photos or reels with clear blue water get more likes than most other posts. There is just...
Look to God
You are out at sea in a ferocious storm. You have lost complete control of the ship. The rudder has been damaged, and it’s [...
Who do you follow?
Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, YouTube etc., allow users to follow people’s content they enjoy. For content creators, follower count is an important [...
Guarding the garden
Gardens require two types of attention. The first relates to what you do to help the plants thrive. This could be preparing the soil...
Walking in love
We love walking – walking in the mountains, walking in nature, walking in scenic villages, walking in any interesting place. But, while these may...
Is your life feeling barren? Maybe you have lost your job or a loved one. Perhaps you have experienced a broken relationship, or your...
How’s this for a poem that captures the sad state of so many people’s lives – “You have planted much, but harvested little. You [&hel...
The empty dam
Nearby where we live is a small dam that we sometimes run past. While the water level fluctuates with the season and rains, this...
Noisy call
“Hello! What? Sorry, I can’t hear anything you are saying,” I shout as I try and block my ear and press the cell phone [&hel...
Favourite smell
What is your favourite smell? The smell of baked bread? The aroma of food cooking on a barbecue? The smell of a wood fire...
Waiting for the wedding
Exciting! An invitation to attend a wedding of a close friend. An opportunity to enjoy this ultimate celebration of love. With everyone seated and...