It’s a perfect evening. We are sitting on our camping chairs right at the edge of the massive fish river canyon in Namibia. A glass of wine in hand and the golden African sun slowly sinking below the horizon. There is no one else around, just the sound of the wind and the birds chirping below us. Perfect peace. Except it’s not. Although my body is in this perfect moment, my mind isn’t. Instead, it’s thinking about my dogs, who we had to leave with a dog sitter. It’s their first time with a stranger – without us being with them. Do they think we’ve abandoned them? My heart hurts at the thought. “Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10). I am reminded of this if I want to experience God’s peace. What is stopping you from experiencing God’s perfect peace? We love to worry about things we can’t change, and because of this, we often miss out on the peace God is offering us. It’s a peace for every single situation – the feeling of watching a perfect sunset bottled up for the taking. But it’s only found by being still with God, by transfixing our mind on Him alone. “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you!” (Isaiah 26:3). Pause. Take a moment now to focus your mind on God and drink deeply of His perfect peace. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/isa26v3, https://bit.ly/psa46v10 (Sarah J)