Rewriting Eden’s story
What if Adam had refused to take the fruit after Eve ate it? We know that his act of disobedience brought sin and death […]
What if Adam had refused to take the fruit after Eve ate it? We know that his act of disobedience brought sin and death […]
Some people can’t resist buying clothes or the latest gadget when they visit the shops, but I can’t resist buying plants. I love adding […]
This morning, I awoke to the sound of beautiful birdsong. Stepping outside, I was surprised to find cloudy skies and rain. I had always […]
Did you know there was one thing “not good” in God’s creation? When He completed His work, “God saw all that He had made, […]
Did you know there was one thing “not good” in God’s creation? When He completed His work, “God saw all that He had made, […]
I’m amazed by the diverse peaks of the Drakensberg, each reaching toward heaven in its own unique way. Some stand like mighty blocks, others […]
Recently, as I sat next to a braai in the beautiful Drakensberg, I heard the lyrics of a song playing: “We all need the […]
“How great is our God.” Psalm 8:3-4 beautifully reflects on His majesty: “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon […]
As I write this Gospel Bite message, I’m sitting on a bench in a forest overlooking a beautiful mountain range. The doves are cooing […]
“The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters” (Genesis 1:2). This can often be the picture of our lives—formless and […]