Daily Bread
Daily messages of encouragement and instruction from God’s Word
Not a burden
“The road is long with many a winding turn that leads us to who knows where? Who knows where? But I’m strong. Strong enough [&h...
Ripples on our lake
One of my favourite nature scenes is a still body of water reflecting a majestic mountain peak. The mountain, in all its glory, is...
Burying your pellets
Our dog has a funny habit of trying to bury her food. She’ll take a few pellets from her bowl and attempts to hide [...
Eating wind
In the book of Hosea, the people of Israel are described in a strange way: “The people of Israel feed on the wind; they [...
Finish strong
It was the year 841 BC. Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, had mercilessly killed all the king’s sons and reigned as Queen [...
The special invitation
“Would you like to come for dinner?” read the message from my daughter. It is always exciting to receive an invitation like this, especially [&h...
Planted trees
Recently, we planted trees hoping they would grow to provide shade and privacy. Though about 2 meters tall, they are far from their full...
Mirror images
How would you do it if you had to explain our purpose on this earth as an elevator pitch in 10 seconds? Simply put...
Press on
Most things in life that are truly valuable require commitment and sustained persistence. Whether completing a degree, running a marathon, or learning a musical...
The crossroads
Life is about decisions. Some decisions are small and inconsequential, while others are life-altering. However, the most important decision is to choose to serve...
Let His light shine
“The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters” (Genesis 1:2). This can often be the picture of our lives—formless and [&hel...
Carried by four
How far would you go to help a loved one who is sick? In Mark 2, we read about friends of a paralyzed man...