Daily Bread
Daily messages of encouragement and instruction from God’s Word
Looking forward
At 103 years old and a survivor of Auschwitz’s horrors, Ella Blumenthal is seated in front of a packed auditorium. She beams her smile [...
The Rock
We recently had the privilege of hiking in the Cederberg area of South Africa. This is a remarkable part of the world with the...
Smelling great
When you get up in the morning, how do you prepare yourself for the day? Shower, brush your teeth etc. And then, when you...
Street names
Many roads where we live are named after people who I assume were once well-known. However, now few know who they are. The tradition...
Falling for God
Falling is never something we want to do. Think about riding a bike; you will never tell yourself, “Yeah, I think I’ll just go [&h...
No room for improvement
A house typically has many rooms. A room for preparing meals. A room for sleeping in. A room for ablutions. But there is one...
Unexpected kindness
A long time ago, there was a family who lived in the land of Canaan. One of the sons was the dad’s favourite. His [...
Showing Kindness
My father-in-law always showed amazing acts of kindness – children, pets, and strangers all benefited from his kind heart. However, to show acts of...