Daily Bread
Daily messages of encouragement and instruction from God’s Word
The Forest
There’s a Bible story about a battle between King David’s army and the army of his son Absalom who had staged a coup. At [&h...
God speaks in many ways – pictures, words, symbols, and numbers. The number 7 represents perfection and rest. But God also uses multiples like...
Life Lottery
How would you feel if you knew you would win $10 million tomorrow? How would you feel if you knew you wouldn’t wake up [...
Happy birthday
🎵“Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear…”. Whether we smile or cringe when people sing this to us, most people enjoy it. A birthday [&hel...
82 and alone
“I am so blessed,” she says as I listen to her voice message. “God is amazing”, she concludes with joy as her message ends. [&helli...
Prayer for you
God’s word is filled with so much hope and encouragement. We worship a Heavenly Father who loves us to infinity; a Creator who desires [...
Bent trees
Along the Seapoint promenade in Cape Town are a set of trees that, over the years of exposure to the regular Cape southeaster wind...
Angel care
We were recently hiking in a remote area about 90 minutes drive from any civilisation. We were rounding the corner of a rocky area...
Roses on edge it vines
Along the edges of the vines in the vineyards near where we live are beautiful roses. While many might think the roses are there...
Look up
How do you picture someone standing who is excited and happy compared to someone who is sad and depressed? When we are happy and...
Succulents are one of my favourite plants – probably because they are so good at taking care of themselves and are so easy to...