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Who will you listen to?
We’ve just enjoyed a month of meditations in Proverbs. A year of new opportunities lies before you. Lots of decisions to make in your [...
The Postmodern Pitfall
If you were looking for advice in life, would you go to a deceitful person? Someone so bad they are known as the most...
Look at me!
“Hey, look at me! I’m just amazing. I’m incredible.” While, thankfully, most of us do not strut around saying this, there are many who [&helli...
Do you want more?
Do you ever find yourself wanting more? It’s a common feeling. We often crave more – a holiday by the beach, a house by [...
Escaping the Snare
Snares are dangerous. They are difficult to spot, but once they get a hold of you, the more you fight, the tighter it gets...
Running away
“The wicked run away when no one is chasing them, but the godly are bold as lions” (Proverbs 28:1). Many of us remember sneaking [&h...
How do you smell?
Solomon, in his wisdom, shares, “Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel” (Proverbs [&h...
Broken Tooth
The world is in huge trouble. We are seeing wars, floods, earthquakes, and a huge increase in other natural disasters. Civil society is falling...
Who are you jealous of?
When we observe our neighbourhood, city, and country, we often see doom and gloom, as evil seems pervasive. It’s easy to worry and stress...
The saving rod
“Punish them with the rod.” These words, which at first sound harsh, are actually Solomon’s. But there’s more to it. He says, “Punish them...
A good name
What defines you? Is it your clothes, the people you’re with, your car, or your job? In a world where we’re often judged by...