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God is a verb
When Moses asks what God’s name is, the answer is given: “I am who I am” (Exodus 3:14). Not only is this a declaration [&hel...
I Am
“God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me [&hel...
The Taper
The taper is a vital part of marathon training that occurs a couple weeks before race day. At this point, all the hard work...
The Bible Summarized
Do you find the Bible overwhelming to read or follow? So many rules and commandments. Why does God expect so much from us? Often...
Solid to the core
We often only rely on God at a surface level and don’t let him inside our core to help with the things that really [...
Don’t shuffle along
”Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is [&h...
God all around
Recently, I have really enjoyed immersing myself in the powerful experiences and divine moments that nature provides. All creation was brought into being by...
Through the glass door
I’m seated indoors, warm and content. Through a glass door, I can see someone standing outside. The wind is howling, and its relentless onslaught [...
Do you want to get well?
I listened to an interview with a French atheist who had thought that belief in God was foolish. He was very successful, getting and...
What is a bird?
What do you think of when I say, “Picture a bird in motion”? You’re probably thinking of a bird soaring through the sky. However, [&hel...
Hearing God
How we interact with God’s Word has changed. It was only after the invention of the printing press in 1440 that Bibles became more [...
Forbidden Fruit
After watching the movie about J.R. Oppenheimer, who was dubbed “the father of the atomic bomb”, I was struck by his comparison to Prometheus [&h...