Daily Bread
Daily messages of encouragement and instruction from God’s Word
My new delight
“Happy New Year”. There is something so wonderful about new starts. It lets us set new goals and plans. “This year, I will get [&hel...
The Bible story is one of cycles, beginning in Genesis with the repeating phrase, “the evening and the morning.” Interestingly, in Hebrew, the day [&h...
Perfect peace
As I write this Gospel Bite message, I’m sitting on a bench in a forest overlooking a beautiful mountain range. The doves are cooing [...
Virtue signaling
Jesus had an incredible way of painting a picture with words. One of the most vivid but scathing was when he called the Pharisees...
The end times
As we near the end of the year, let us reflect on what God says about the state of the world before Jesus’ return. [...
Enthusiasm is one of the most wonderful attributes to witness. It’s contagious and makes everyone feel good. Think about someone enthusiastic about gardening—they share [&h...
Christmas flight
We were stuck on the runway in dense fog, trying desperately to get home for Christmas. After our flight the night before had been...
Imitation Imitation
Have you ever seen a mime actor who walks behind someone and imitates them? If they stop and turn, he does the same. If...
Smart people
“Smart people know how to….” How would you finish this sentence? Take a moment to think about it. One of the smartest people ever, [&hel...
The Christmas secret
Christmas has become a commercialized event where indulgence often overshadows Jesus. Yet, amidst it all, there’s an important lesson to learn. A child once [...