Bigger than you think
Our small Pekingese dogs suffer from a size delusion. They ignore small dogs that bark at them but go crazy when they see a...
Our small Pekingese dogs suffer from a size delusion. They ignore small dogs that bark at them but go crazy when they see a...
It’s strange but true that many of us tend to fault those who have our best interests at heart for our own shortcomings. Consider [...
Today is a special day; it’s my mom’s birthday. I remember seeing an image of a cellphone ringing with the text “Mom calling”. Below [&helli...
We once had an employee we went out of our way to help. We would loan him money even though we knew he would...
On my run this weekend, I faced rain and howling winds. The wind taught me a valuable lesson about direction and grace. Running against...
I am frozen with fear halfway up a ladder on the Sydney Harbour Bridge. I look down at the whitecaps far below. Though I’m...
Names are important. They help us communicate and understand the world. If I say “elephant” or “eagle,” you immediately picture them. Adam’s first task...
Recently, while visiting Australia, we were hosted by friends and family during our stay. We were overwhelmed by their incredible kindness. There was nothing...
I decided to do at least one half marathon a month this year. This isn’t super difficult, but to do it comfortably means keeping...