The taper is a vital part of marathon training that occurs a couple weeks before race day. At this point, all the hard work is done, and it’s reduced running and rest that are needed. However, runners get anxious as less running and more resting goes against the urge to squeeze in more training. But you have to trust in the training already done. Spiritually, this concept applies to us in our spiritual race. We are all in a spiritual taper. The hard work has already been done, the price paid, and the sacrifice made by Jesus. We are now in the period after the hard work but before the ‘big event’ when God’s Kingdom comes. But remember, the taper doesn’t involve just sitting back and being passive; it is still an active rest period as you are priming your body in anticipation of the big race. Likewise, although our salvation has already been won, we are still called to actively participate in our faith in eager expectation and hope for the day when all is made new! “Now we who have believed enter that rest” (Hebrews 4:3). Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Heb4v3 (Jeremy G)