Finding the motivation to exercise consistently can be a tricky thing. A day on this earth can sometimes be long, leaving us tired and with little time to work out. I’ve been around gyms for a couple of years now, and the usual go-to for beating fatigue and producing strength usually comes in the form of an energy drink or a ‘pre-workout’ formula. Scientifically, this produces a short-term energy spike, which results in temporary motivation, but it can never compare to the inner discipline written about in the Bible. Paul asks in 1 Corinthians 6:19, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?” With this question in mind, the next time you’ve had a long day and don’t feel like doing the planned exercise, remember that God has given us our temples, which he has trusted us to look after. It might seem a little unorthodox, but before your next exercise, read a discipline-related scripture, and you will find that God is the best ‘Pre-workout’ on the market. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/1co6v19 (Jean-Luc H)