Three birds are sitting on a tree. One decides to fly away. How many birds are left on the tree? It’s giving the wrong answer that is why we have so many issues in our lives that we can’t fix. If you answered 2, well done. That should be the correct answer, but sadly it isn’t. The correct answer is 3, because deciding to fly away and flying away are different. One bird may have decided to fly, but it still remains on the branch. The same applies to our lives. When things go wrong, we realise we need to do something. When we get good advice that will help us, we can do one of three things. Reject it, decide to follow it, or act on it. The first two are the same – doing nothing. It’s only action that brings change. God has the only solution to all our problems – including death. It’s found in the resurrected Jesus. “When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.”…(but) some became followers” (Acts 17:32-34). Jesus will change your life. It’s up to you to respond. Follow him. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Act17v32