You’ve just opened your eyes. What is the first thing you do as you wake up to a new day? Take a moment to think about your answer…Do you read the latest news, catch up on your social media feeds, watch something on TV or YouTube, or worry about the issues you have to deal with in the day? Or do you first let God fill your mind as you pray to him and read his living word? The way we start our day will hugely impact the way our day plays out. If we start our day filling our mind with the news, social media, or our plans and challenges, then our day is likely to be filled with worry, envy, anger, jealousy, and selfish ambition. If we start our day with God filling us, then our day will be filled with love, hope, peace, direction, and a divine connection with God. Follow God’s advice, it will make all the difference – “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life” (Proverbs 4:23). How do you want your day to be today? The answer depends on how you answer the next question. How will you choose to start your day today? Open Bible – https://bit.ly/pro4v23