There’s a well-known phrase, “blood, sweat, and tears”. It’s an idiom for putting in an extreme effort to achieve something. Most things in life that are worth achieving require sacrifice be that completing a degree, learning to play a musical instrument or running your first marathon. However, while these are all amazing pursuits, the joy will soon fade. The Psalmist says, “Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy” (Psalms 126:5). This is the ultimate harvest of joy from a life of sacrifice. This is a calling to a life committed to planting the seeds of God’s love in a sometimes unrepentant and unforgiving world. Yet despite the difficulties and challenges, unlike with our worldly pursuits, we are guaranteed a harvest of joy. And this is no earthly joy; this is Jesus’ divine joy. “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” (John 15:11). This is a joy given by God (Galatians 5:22). This is a joy that begins now and culminates in the final harvest when Jesus returns and wipes away every tear, and even death (Revelation 21:4). So, whatever you are going through know that your “present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18). Open Bible – https://bit.ly/psa126v5, https://bit.ly/joh15v11, https://bit.ly/gal5v22, https://bit.ly/rom8v18