The day begins with our morning run. It’s always a great opportunity to think – fresh air and no distractions, as long as the route isn’t too tough. I’m doing a Bible study at the moment on “preparation” and I ponder the importance of this in our lives. Preparation means anticipating. It means thinking about people, anticipating their needs. It’s when we arrive at someone’s home and they have prepared a meal or a place for us to stay. It means they have been thinking about us. This is real love. Arriving back from our run I open my Bible app to read the verse of the day. I am in awe. God has prepared the verse in advance for me. “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” (Ephesians 2:10). He knew I would be thinking about this today, and more than that, he has already prepared good works for me to do. Wow Today, think about someone who you know may be lonely, unwell or spiritually weak. Pray for them. Reach out to them with a message or a gift or a visit. God needs you to be an answer to someone’s prayer. What good work will you prepare today?