Boom. The sound thunders as the huge powerful waves crash into the cliffs. It’s an awesome sight to see the power of the waves. However, all this power and bluster vanishes into a misty plume of silence rising into the air as the immovable rocks instantly stop them. God says, “Why don’t you honour me? Why aren’t you in awe before me? Yes, me, who made the shorelines to contain the ocean waters. I drew a line in the sand that cannot be crossed. Waves roll in but cannot get through; breakers crash but that’s the end of them.”(Jeremiah 5:22). In the Bible the sea and waves are often a metaphor for humanity (Luke 21:25). We are powerful, roaring, surging, growing, and seemingly unstoppable. Yet God has drawn a line in the sand. He has placed a rock that cannot be passed – Jesus. “For God has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man, Jesus, whom he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.” (Acts 17:31). Injustice. Pride. Hurt. Destruction. All our power and roaring will end. Our waves will soon dissipate as nothing more than vapour when Jesus, our rock, returns to establish a world of righteousness and peace. Honour God.