“You are a pain. You are useless. You are nothing.” Harsh words that could damage us for life. So, imagine if when you are born, your mother names you “Pain”. It’s not a positive start to life. It’s likely to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. So too, for many people, circumstances outside of our control can result in us having a difficult existence. But how should we respond? Jabez, whose name means “pain”, decided not to let this define his life. He brings his life before God and prays a bold and fervent prayer. “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.” (1 Chronicles 4:10). He asks God to bless him, enlarge his territory, be with him, and keep him from harm – so that the pain he has inherited will be removed. And God granted his request. Jabez doesn’t let circumstances determine his life, but God. He takes what little he has – “my territory” – and hands it to God to enlarge so that he will be safe. Whatever your situation, don’t let it define you. God is greater. Give him what little you have, and he will enlarge your life to a life of abundance (John 10:10). Open Bible – https://bit.ly/1ch4-10, https://bit.ly/joh10v10