We recently attended a literary festival where two popular travel writers were being interviewed. They both travelled prolifically. One author said he was in a different country every month. The interviewer asked them what home was for them. The one said home was a place of his childhood where there was the spirit of safety, love, and family. The other said home was a place of safety and belonging, which he was always trying to reach but never quite found. Home is a place we all yearn for. A place we feel loved, secure, and happy. Our Heavenly Father created us with a yearning for home. But not just a physical home but a spiritual home with Him and Jesus in the centre. Jesus said, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” (John 14:23). This is the true experience of home. A life filled with our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus’ love, protection, comfort and presence, wherever we are, every day of our lives. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Joh14v23 (Nicky B)