Do you want to get well?

Do you want to get well?

I listened to an interview with a French atheist who had thought that belief in God was foolish. He was very successful, getting and doing whatever he wanted. One day, he met a girl who didn’t want to pursue a relationship with someone who didn’t believe in God. He read the Bible to find reasons why her belief was foolish. However, something amazing happened. He was stunned by the power of the gospel message. But he decided God must give him a sign – some great miracle. “But God did something better,” he said. “God suddenly made me conscious of my sins”. Feeling sickened by his immoral behaviour and hedonistic pursuits, he felt desperate to be clean. At that moment, he understood why Jesus endured such an agonising death so that his sins could be forgiven. When our hearts are hardened with pride and pursuing our own lusts, we can’t see how desperately sick we are. It’s only when we turn to Jesus that we see our sin disease and find healing. The good news is that no matter how dark your sin is, Jesus is ready to heal you. Reaching out his hand, Jesus touched a desperate leper, saying, “I am willing, Be clean!” And immediately he was cleansed (Matthew 8:3). Let Jesus touch your life. Open Bible – (Nicky B)