Ready for the call

Ready for the call

We had been waiting in eager anticipation, but still, nothing. Our daughter was heading into her 42nd week, and there was no sign of the baby’s arrival. She looked so comfortable—it seemed like it might still be a while. The day was scorching, with temperatures soaring to 40°C. As night fell, the heat remained relentless, and the brief relief from the aircon was cut short by loadshedding. It was 11pm, and sleep was impossible. I tried, but the heat and the stillness made it futile. I read, but my eyes were too tired. Frustrated, I resigned myself to simply lying there, waiting for either the power to return or sleep to come. Then, just before midnight, a message arrived—“Just messaging in case you are awake, I think I might be in early stages of labour.” The moment had arrived. The baby was coming. Normally, I would have been asleep and might have missed the message, but the heat and loss of power had kept me awake and ready. It made me realise—perhaps we should think differently about life’s challenges. When the heat is on, when things aren’t going well, instead of complaining, we should remember that our Lord, who knows all things, may be preparing us to be awake and ready for His call. “At midnight they were roused by the shout, ‘Look, the bridegroom is coming! Come out and meet him!’” (Matthew 25:6). Open Bible – (Craig B)