Lion, elephant, hippo, and hyena, are all real possibilities as uninvited guests at our campsite in Chobe, Botswana. While the sun shines it seems safe, but as the inky darkness creeps across the bushveld chasing the receding sun, so the unease increases. Not only can we no longer see the dangers, it’s in the dark that most of these animals are active. However, we soon have a crackling log fire going. It provides not only light, but warmth, protection and comfort in the dark night. The fire changes everything. When the nation of Israel was making their long journey across the desert from Egypt to the promised land, God led them with a pillar of cloud in the day and “a fire to give light at night” (Psalms 105:39). We may find ourselves fearful in the dark times of our life facing seen and unseen dangers. Yet, just like with the Israelites of old, God promises to send his angels to be your fire, your protection in the darkness of your night. “He makes his angels spirits, and his servants flames of fire.” (Hebrews 1:7). Whatever your lion, elephant, hippo, or hyena is in life, come to God’s campfire of light and protection.