Many years ago, I had a chance encounter with a king. He arrived unexpectedly at a graduation ceremony for his wife, who had completed a course at our training school. After inviting him to lunch at a nearby hotel, he suggested we follow his car. This involved driving behind a cavalcade of vehicles and police cars that raced in front and behind him, stopping traffic to allow his vehicle to pass. We also enjoyed the most amazing ride we had ever had through the city as traffic was stopped and traffic lights were ignored. While this special treatment is something most of us won’t experience in our daily lives, God offers us a far better royal cavalcade. “You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.” (Psalms 139:5). God promises to be the one who travels ahead of you and behind you in life. And if that isn’t enough, he even is above you, too – placing his reassuring hands of blessing on you. This is beyond royal treatment. This is God’s divine cavalcade of care. A God who is in your tomorrow and yesterday. A God who is in your today blessing you. A God leading you on the most amazing path to His Kingdom. Now this is no chance encounter with The King. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/psa139v5