“It’s still dark,” my wife said, looking outside. The idea was to go for a long run before it got hot. However, I had misjudged sunrise, and so we found ourselves running in the dark. Once the village’s street lights ended, we were in complete darkness. All we had was the cellphone torch. It provided just enough light to see the road around our feet. Everything else was cloaked in total darkness. In the eastern sky the dark shapes of mountains could vaguely be seen. However, the light was enough to keep us safe from tripping or stepping into a hole. We are all journeying through life along dark roads. We have no idea what’s around us or ahead of us. Pitfalls and danger are ever-present. However, God provides his Word. It is the light we need to stop us from falling and hurting ourselves. “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” (Psalms 119:105). God’s Word does two things. It shines like a pre-dawn sun, showing us the future path. It may not be clear, but it gives us a certain direction. And it illuminates our feet today so we can step carefully in a dangerous world. Without it, we are running blind. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/psa119v105