“I can’t get those words out of my head.” How often have you heard the lyrics of a song or some hurtful words, and they just keep repeating in your head? So often, the repeating words in our head are either frivolous or negative. And yet they occupy our mind space. It would be great if we could fill our minds with positive repeating words. Phrases that fill our minds with joy and abundance. I believe Jesus knew this and even understood the digital age of the future that we now live in. An age of sound bites and negativity. In his ministry, he deliberately filled his messages with powerful, positive sayings. How about taking some time to learn some of Jesus’ most powerful lyrics? The sayings you don’t want to get out of your head! Here’s a good one to try repeating for this week, “Peace, I leave with you” (John 14:27). Here’s the latest chart of top Jesus lyrics! – “I am the Way”, “Let not your heart be troubled”, “Come to me all who labour”, “My burden is light”, “I will give you rest”, “Love one another”, “Suffer the Little Children”, “Ask and it will be given”, “Seek and you will find”, “Knock and it will be opened”, “Judge not that you be not Judged”, “I am the Light of the World”, “I am with you always, to the end of the world”, “I have overcome the world”. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/joh14v27 (Matthew B)