🎵“Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear…”. Whether we smile or cringe when people sing this to us, most people enjoy it. A birthday is one day when we feel special, a day that marks the anniversary of our entry into life. And, if we are blessed to have people in our life who celebrate it with us, it is a confirmation from them of their love and appreciation for us. While we may enjoy receiving gifts, the real gift is the sacrifice of time and effort in appreciation and celebration of us. Knowing the joy these gifts bring, some may choose to give gifts to people on their birthday who have nothing. This is beautiful as we see their joy at receiving something so unexpected. However, few, if any, would sacrifice their time and money to give a gift to someone who hated them. “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8). As undeserving as we were, Jesus gave his life for us – the ultimate gift. It wasn’t given because we were good or kind or worthy – it was given because of God’s indescribable love (John 3:16). Today, give the ultimate gift to someone, the gift of Jesus, so that they may celebrate life and life eternal. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Rom5v8, https://bit.ly/Share2Friends