Can you place these words into the correct order – destruction, honour, humility, pride? Knowing the correct order will change your life. We have all seen it, the classic scene when someone boasts about something, and moments later, they come crashing down. The internet is full of videos laughing at people when this happens. Yet, this is nothing new. God gave us the divine order – “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18). If we choose to focus on ourselves, on how amazing we are, as certain as cause leads to effect, so too will our pride lead to destruction. But the opposite is true too – “Humility comes before honour” (Prov 18:12). Those who are humble rise to the greatest heights. Think about any truly great leader or person you admire. Think about Jesus – king of the world. What order will you arrange your life in – pride then destruction, or humility then honour? https://bit.ly/Pro16v18, https://bit.ly/Pro18v12 (Caitlyn I)