Perfect score!

Perfect score!

We recently watched a cooking competition, and one of the judges would not give more than a 90% score. I found this was also the case at the university where I worked. Many lecturers were not prepared to give a 100% grade because they thought it was saying the student’s work was perfect. However, this is not what a 100% means. It means it is “perfect” for a student at that level. Of course, there is always more that can be achieved, but at this level, it’s what is expected. At the end of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says – “Be perfect, therefore, as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). This word “perfect” means complete or mature. This is not an impossible calling to be flawless, as only Jesus was flawless. It’s a call to being the best we can be by striving to reflect God’s character of love, mercy, and righteousness. Actual perfection is not what we can achieve but what Jesus has achieved for us. “For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy” (Hebrews 10:14). Our calling is to receive his perfection. Open Bible –,