Travel as much as you can. It doesn’t have to be expensive international trips or luxurious resorts; it’s as simple as a drive to a different part of your neighbourhood. Why? Well, Psalm 115:16 has the answer. “The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the earth he has given to mankind”. Imagine, as a child, being given a gift for your birthday, and you used it for a while and then never looked at it again. Well, God has given us a gift, our beautiful earth, that we should use and experience all our lives. We spend so much time with the things man has made – office buildings, schools, mobile phones, social media, and television instead of experiencing God’s gift. God has given us something with the intent that we use it and experience as much of His great gift as we can. By exploring God’s creation, whether our garden, neighbourhood or distant places, our eyes are opened to valuable lessons that he has prepared for us. Go outside, drive or even catch a plane; just make sure your eyes are open to see the amazing gift God has given us. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Psa115v16 (Jean-Luc H)