Some years ago, I watched in awe and trepidation as Nik Wallenda stepped out onto a thin wire stretched across the Grand Canyon with no safety devices. Nik became the first person to complete the 457-meter walk across the Grand Canyon. With strong winds and dangerous cable vibrations, there were some heart-stopping moments, especially when he knelt down on the cable and stopped walking! Praying to God the whole way, Nik finally made it safely across. The TV interviewer asked why he knelt down twice. He replied, “Well I was building a huge rhythm in the cable and I had to sit down to hopefully take that rhythm out.” Nik’s issue is something we all experience as we walk the tightrope of our life. They start small, with extra commitments, new hobbies, another TV series, and a rhythm begins to build, and build and build…and before we know it, it threatens to topple us from our fragile wire suspended above the chasm of life. Suddenly it’s overwhelming. Suddenly God is no longer in our life. Suddenly it feels like we could fall. It’s then we need to stop, kneel and find God. “But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16). It’s then we must be still and know God (Psalm 46:10). It’s then we must stop life’s dangerous vibrations and find the peace of God. Take a moment now – be still and pray. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/luk5v16, https://bit.ly/psa46v10, https://bit.ly/Share2Friends