Is the glass half empty or half full? This phrase helps us gauge our attitude, especially when facing life’s challenges. It prompts us to ask: Are things getting better or worse? However, Jesus doesn’t merely offer us a glass that’s half full or half empty. Instead, He presents us with something far greater. In John 4:13-14, Jesus says, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” This promise from Jesus symbolises a glass not just filled but overflowing. The beauty of Jesus’ offer lies in its unending abundance. No matter how pessimistic or optimistic our viewpoint is, the reality of Christ’s gift remains constant. It’s not about the glass being at 50% – it’s about a never-ending spring that quenches our deepest thirsts. It’s a perspective that shifts our focus from the limitations of the glass to the limitless grace of God. In Jesus, we find not just fullness but overflowing abundance. Open Bible – (Johsua B)
Half empty of full?
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