“God always provides,” I said, finding a parking spot right outside my appointment in a busy town. I was running late and had been circling desperately. My friends and I often shout, “God always provides” when prayers are answered, or things go our way. But the other day, God gave those words new meaning. At 8 am on Sunday, my husband and I saw an old gogo (granny) hobbling with a crutch. We asked where she was going. “To church,” she said. We offered her a lift. As soon as she got in, she said, “God always provides.” Her painful two-hour walk became a five-minute drive. Her words struck deep. How often am I the answer to a prayer or cry for help? I see countless moments where God answers my prayers, but how often am I a vessel to answer others’ prayers? Hebrews 13:16 says, “Don’t forget to do good and to share with those in need. These are the sacrifices that please God.” I am reminded to look for opportunities to show love and be an answer to a prayer. How can you be the “God always provides” for someone today? Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Heb13v16 (Kayla G)