Recently, I completed a trail run event in the Tankwa Karoo, a semi-desert region in South Africa. The harsh, barren landscape reminded me of the conditions the ancient Israelites found themselves in in the desert wilderness outside of Egypt. The scorching sun and dry desert conditions made for tough running. Thankfully, I could rely on friends for navigation, as they had the route mapped out and would point out each turn. Even though I had studied the map beforehand, making the correct turns mid-race, semi-dehydrated and fatigued would’ve been much more difficult, and the odds of me wandering off in the wrong direction were quite high. Often, the world we live in becomes like this wilderness – tough times, harsh conditions, and stress, making it difficult for us to stay the course and keep in the right direction. Thankfully, just as God was with the Israelites in their wilderness journey, guiding them by a cloud during the day and fire at night, He is with us each day through the Holy Spirit. “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth” (John 16:13). Let us not rely on our own strength in difficult times but look to God for direction. Open Bible – (Jeremy G)
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