One man who certainly knew a lot about love was the apostle Peter. Through his relationship with Jesus and the other disciples, we learn a lot about love and the different types of love that exist. In his book in the Bible, he says something interesting. “Above all, love one another deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). I found this challenging because surely there isn’t anything besides Jesus strong enough to cover sin. And that is when it struck me. Jesus is love, and love is Jesus. These two things are inseparable. Peter could say this because he saw first-hand how Jesus’ ultimate love – giving his life – covered all sin. This is the love we are asked to have. Jesus love. Agape love. A love so deep it even covers sin. If anyone has sinned against you or offended you, let the power and infinite love of Jesus cover their wrongs and heal your heart. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/1Pe4v8 (Jean-Luc H)