Content creators

Content creators

We’re all content creators in our own way. Every career and life is filled with moments of creating something useful—whether it’s producing work for your company, posting a picture online, making a meal, or knitting a scarf. This ability to create is an incredible blessing from our Creator, who has given us free will and a spirit to create in countless ways. But the real question is, why do you create? Hebrews 13:16 reminds us, “Don’t forget to do good and to share what you have, because God is pleased with these types of sacrifices.” The key word here is ‘share’. When we create content only for ourselves, we miss the opportunity to offer something that could benefit others. True sacrifice means sharing what we create in a way that glorifies God. The next time you create something, ask yourself if it’s something that can help or uplift others. These are the kinds of creations that please God. Use the gift of creativity not just for personal gain but to have a positive impact on those around you. Open Bible – (Jean-Luc H)