Recently we watched a show about farming and how incredibly difficult it is, and after all the trials, how making a profit is nearly impossible. For most of us, food is just what we get at the grocery store. We have lost the connection with the earth and rain. We have forgotten how little control farmers have over the weather and its impact on their crops. And with this, we have forgotten something even more important – that the gift of food from the earth is a daily reminder of God. Without Him bringing rain and sun, without Him causing life to grow buried in darkness, we would all die. Yet even if we fail to see this daily evidence of God, he gives us another witness – joy – not just happiness, the result of happenstance events, but that joy we sometimes experience deep within our hearts. That is God, for only He can truly cause life and joy to grow within our darkness. This, too, is evidence of our God. “In the past he permitted all the nations to go their own ways, but he never left them without evidence of himself and his goodness. For instance, he sends you rain and good crops and gives you food and joyful hearts.” (Acts 14:16-17). The next time you enjoy a meal or smile with joy, know that God is there. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/act14v16-17