A moment like no other!

A moment like no other!

Few moments in life let you stand on the cusp and marvel at the before and after. This is that moment. Our first grandchild is due soon, but beyond scan images and the odd kick, the baby still feels more like a concept than reality. We know nothing about him yet. He doesn’t even have a name. However, we are super-excited. But still, it is a mental excitement, not a tangible relationship. What will it be like when he arrives? I will have to wait and share that when he comes…..It’s happened! He’s here. The waiting is over. I look at him – so perfect, so beyond words. My heart overflows with love. What were words and ideas and thoughts, are now reality. It’s hope revealed. It’s joy touched. It’s love made real. As his small hand curls around my finger, I now fully know what it all means. What will it be like when he arrives? When our faith in Jesus turns to sight. Now we know him in word and feeling. But that will all change when he arrives. What are words and ideas and thoughts will be reality. “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face” (1 Corinthians 13:12). Hope revealed. Joy touched. Love made real. As his hand takes mine, I will fully know what it all means. Open Bible – https://bit.ly/1Co13v12 (Craig B)