“God did not answer my prayers for healing – how can there be a God of love when he allows such suffering in my world?” The person asking this is saying that God’s love and suffering are incompatible. Yet, the Bible reveals this assumption is not true. The greatest message of all from God is that he so loves us, he gave his beloved son to suffer death on a cross for our sins. “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Furthermore, in the Bible, suffering is revealed not as a random set of events but as an inevitable consequence of our separation from God—of our sustained rebellion as individuals and societies. This big picture really matters for believers because it creates a different meaning for us in our lives. We discover that Jesus learned deeper obedience through suffering, and his faith was unshaken. So, instead of making suffering a mistaken test of God’s love, we could ask a different, more meaningful question: “Lord, right now, can I keep trusting you amid heartbreak and pain?” Open Bible – https://bit.ly/joh3v16. http://bit.ly/Rom8v18-25 (Geoff W).