“Freedom to” is always dependent on release from something. Freedom to travel requires release from work. Freedom to vote requires release from tyrants. But each freedom is subject to another captor. Freedom to travel is subject to visas and airline schedules. Freedom to vote is subject to rules about how, when, and who. Above all, our freedoms are captive to physical captors like fitness, health, or age—or mental ones like fear and anxiety. Then there is the greatest captor—time. Time is unbending, uncompromising, and unbiased. Freedom is not absolute but relative. We are free within… and it is this “within” that matters most, for we cannot escape it. We cannot escape our bodies, minds, or time. But Jesus, beyond all these, offers the ultimate freedom: “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). This is freedom from the greatest captor—sin and death. Yet it is a freedom found in Jesus and requires us to be subject to Him. What freedom do you want? A freedom from God, leaving you captive to time and death, or freedom from death, leaving you captive to God? Open Bible – https://bit.ly/Joh8v36