After heavy rain, our usual trail running route was filled with new water obstacles. The shallow streams were now knee-deep, and the rocks we used to avoid the water were submerged. We navigated around some crossings, walking upstream to find better spots, all to avoid getting our feet wet. After all, who wants to run with wet socks and shoes on a winter’s day? Towards the end, we reached the biggest crossing, and the only way forward was through the water – to get our feet wet. This reminded me of choosing between being active or passive. We can avoid an obstacle or get involved and wet our feet. Jesus, our example of active living and servant leadership, chose the active route, intentionally healing, praying, and loving. He became our saviour by actively laying down his life for us. Not simply wetting his feet but allowing them to be nailed to cross. “He said to them, ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts rise in your minds? Look at my hands and my feet. It is I myself! Touch me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have.’” (Luke 24:38-39). How will you “wet your feet” in living your life? Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Luk24v38-39 (Jeremy G)