The water source

The water source

Recently, I hiked to the Sphinx in the Drakensberg. I am always in awe of the cascading waterfalls and fresh, gurgling streams. It made me think of the journey of water and how similar it is to what Jesus offers us. All rivers start as fresh springs high up on the mountaintop, but then, as they meander to the sea, they become polluted by toxins caused by people and become dangerous to drink. Jesus says, “Whoever drinks of the water I give will never thirst. The water I give will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14). Just as springs start high up in the mountains, we must always ensure Jesus is our highest aim and drink of the fresh, life-giving spring he provides. We must drink from the right source, drinking of his words, encouragement, and wisdom, and it will become in us a spring welling up to eternal life. If we drink from the wrong source, from the water that the world has abused and polluted, it will sadly cause pain and death. Open Bible – (Petru B)