Recently, while on a run, we faced a strong headwind. As we pushed on, everyone complained about how tough it was and how we couldn’t wait to turn around and feel the tailwind. Finally, we turned back, and for a moment, the tailwind made the run easier—but soon, we forgot it was there. That is until we turned a corner and faced the headwind again. I wonder if this is how we are in life. When times are hard, and the winds of life seem to blow against us, we’re quick to complain to God. But how often do we notice His constant, caring hand that powers us forward? When the Israelites left Egypt on a 40-year journey in the desert, they frequently complained about food, water, and other hardships. Yet they overlooked an incredible miracle: “For forty years I led you through the wilderness, yet your clothes and sandals did not wear out” (Deuteronomy 29:5). That’s remarkable! But they never noticed it. What are the “never-wearing-out clothes and sandals” in your life? What are the winds of God’s grace and provision that blow every day you fail to notice? He is always in your life. Give thanks. Open Bible –http://bit.ly/Deu29v5