After experiencing terrible floods last year, we were nervous when there was a forecast for bad weather. We prayed it wouldn’t be the same. It turned out to be hardly any rain. It’s incredible how useless weather forecasters can be. We recently had our national elections. Everyone was worried there could be violence or a negative change in government. We prayed for God’s peace and help. It turned out to be really peaceful, and a new government that was better than most people imagined. It’s incredible how we worry about nothing. Or is this the correct response? We pray for God’s help in situations, and when the situation works out, we forget God and credit or blame other causes – bad weatherman or overanxious thoughts. Instead, we should be “giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20). Today, take time to give God thanks for all he has done for you. A thankful heart changes our perspective and our life. Thank God. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Eph5v20