There is an interesting detail about how the seven-branched lampstand had to be placed in the tabernacle. “When you set up the seven lamps in the lampstand, place them so their light shines forward in front of the lampstand” (Numbers 8:2-3). Its light had to shine forward. Why? This ensured that the Holy Place, which was otherwise dark, would be illuminated by the candles, and the priest’s face would glow as he looked at them. The candles represent God’s Word—“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105). God’s Word must shine forward, illuminating dark places and causing our faces to glow with His truth. When we hide His word in our hearts (Psalm 119:11), when we take in Jesus, the Word made flesh (John 1:14), do we shine and illuminate darkness, or do we remain unchanged with His light barely seeping out? Today, as you walk in a dark world and encounter those struggling in darkness, consider whether you are letting God’s light shine forward into their lives. Open Bible – http://bit.ly/Num8v2-3, https://bit.ly/psa119v105, https://bit.ly/psa119v11, https://bit.ly/joh1v14 (Craig B)