I remember learning to ski. After about a week of lessons, we could navigate most easy to intermediate slopes, with nominal skill and little style. Yet seeing small kids also learning with their awkward style and frequent falls made us feel like experts. That is until a week later those same small kids came flying past us down the slopes, with skill and style that we could only dream of. How was it possible? One thing – they were not afraid to fall, not afraid to look silly, in order to learn. As adults, we are plagued by our pride, and it’s this that not only makes learning new things difficult but stops us from learning about the greatest thing of all – God. “Start with GOD—the first step in learning is bowing down to GOD; only fools thumb their noses at such wisdom and learning.” (Proverbs 1:7). Put aside your own knowledge and pride for a moment, and open yourself to God. There’s nothing to lose and eternity to gain. Take the first step and see what happens.